Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Business of Health - Fulfilling and Lucrative

I am sure you'd agree that the health business is one of the most lucrative yet fulfilling businesses there is in this planet today. Some people attribute it to the baby boomers who are by now in their senior years and need caregivers. Others say it is because of the number of babies born each minute. But I, I would say it is because of both and a lot more.

To evaluate the basis of my answer is to inspect the factors that affect health. These are political, socio-economic, spiritual, and all those -ial words that you normally hear of. But I do want to focus on the first three I have mentioned. Political would include civil wars, wars, laws etc. Will these affect morbidity and mortality? Of course it will. In fact, it will surely add up to the number of those who will need health care services.

Next, socio-economic. I come from a country where poverty abounds. The observation we have is that the poorer the state of the family, the more children there are. Why? Well, first because intercourse becomes a recreation. Procreation and recreation - they do rhyme don't they? he he he. Second is that methods for birth control may not be affordable and thus the couple resorts to the less expensive methods which are less effective too. third, is that there may be a lack of information on the use of contraceptives. Whatever the reason, the more babies, the more people. The bigger the population, the higher the need for health care.

Spiritual - well, according to some, it may be a sin to use the modern methods of health and thus result to the natural method. Again, more babies.

Do we see a pattern? Naturally, the more babies equals increase in population equals inrease in health care requirement. Ergo, increase in profits for the businessman. Well, that is if you run your business with a good reputation and standards. What are these businesses that may thrive in such a global crisis that is being experienced presently? Well, food supplements for one. It's but natural because we don't want to be spending on hospital and medical bills that are more costly. I do recommend waiora more specifically the healthy Aging caplets and the Natural Cellular Defense. I've taken these. My whole family has tried them and we all attest to the efficacy of the supps. In fact some of my mom's friends and mine too give their testimony about how the products have helped them in some way. My mom is into the business. You may want to give her a call at (818) 4009751. Ask for Lucy Garcia.

Insurance companies. My recommendation is Manulife. It is company that has a high adherence to professionalism and integrity.

And lately, swimming. Yes, swimming. I've realized from my daughter's coach that indeed there are but a few coaches with the so many millions of people. There is just a lack of information dissemination on the benefits of swimming. If you have read my other blog, you'd know that I am currently busy preparing for a series of swimming competitions. I've been informed by some that the reason the children are not able to compete is because they need to focus on their studies. Focusing on studies is good but then there should be time alloted for exercise which makes the body and the brain function at its best. A good body makes for an intelligent individual. Because of this, I've come up with the idea of repackaging swimming as a part of a healthy lifestyle and we're now working on having a mini exhibit that will feature products that have something to do with health. The exhibit will be done simultaneously with the competition.

Oh, well. I do hope the business people will have companies that encourage living a healthy lifestyle. There should be provisions for addressing the need of the sick people but there should be more emphasis on how they can avoid getting sick in the first place. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Homeworks Business?

I'm a mother but also a teacher. Thus, I believe that children should be allowed to do things on their own but they should also have ample help and guidance from the adults around them. Lately, I've helped her with creating her boat from recycled materials. I've also created some of the props she needed for a skit in school. And so many others actually that have earned her quite high marks.

So, one day, just after I finished Ikee's wig for the skit (yes, I created a wig and a cravat to transform her ordinary clothes to something that would look victorian), my husband commented that I should just put up a business that would let me create and produce homeworks that are given to the children. I'm so into it and I really love doing those things. That would probably be a good idea for a homebusiness. Any ideas?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Little Experiment on Blogging

I'd like to do a little experiment on blogs. I've noticed that you can actually create a site without having to write anything. Yup, it's called the feed. But, what I want to know is if it will have a good rating from Google.

You see, I'm a little disappointed with my other blog ( which used to be a PR3. It had been penalized and was thus rated with an n/a and then it was brought back to a PR0. But, this July, I had expected it's score to be higher. But noooo... Google still didn't want to grant me my wish. Instead, it raised the PR rating of my other blogs. So now I do have a PR4 blog , a PR 3 website, and a PR 1 blog. and yes, my is still a PR 0. sigh*

How's your PR rating?

Monday, May 26, 2008

Tourism Can Pay

I've always believed that tourism is a very good source of income. Recently, we were able to join a trip to Anawangin, Zambales, organized by a bunch of mountaineers. Apparently, they loved going to the place that they were there often and were able to set up some network in the area. The really nice thing about it is that they not only earn for themselves, they've also been able to give jobs to the people they work with.

Have you discovered a hidden place yet? There's so much in the Philippines that we can actually live on just tourism.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Your Child's Paper Can Earn For You

Hey, guess what? I've opened a Triond account for Ikee and she's been putting in some of her photos and the things she wrote for her school work last year. It's already starting to earn for her. It hasn't made much yet but, hey, what's to rush? It's her earnings and it's better earning slow than having those docs sit idle here in the hard drive of our laptop being unproductive and crowding my disk space.

You may want to try to check it out. It's at You'll be asked to enter some details. I suggest you get a paypal account first before you open a triond account. That way your earnings can be sent to you without so much hassle. Triond just deposits it to your paypal account and you can withdraw it from your own atm. Simple as that. Paypal's web address is

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Why Bloggers Should Join Entrecard

I've been blogging for the past 3 years now but it's only lately that I've become serious at it. Well, it's really because I have nothing much to do until we are able to file for our NCLEX exam and get some training with some hospital too. If you know me, I don't like being idle. I'd much rather look for something to learn or earn from to while away my time.

Let me give you an example: the summer or 2003, I went into the graduate school of UP to take my Masters in Education. The summer passed and I went into the first semester. When the first sem ended and I was waiting for the 2nd sem to start, I enrolled in the Food and Beverage course at a vocational school near my home.

Well, now that I have time, I am trying to find out whether I really could earn substantially from blogging. So far so good. But one of the things that I had a really hard time on is getting my articles read or discovered. Good thing I read about entrecard from John Chow's blog.

You know what, I've gotten a number of reads from the very first day I placed my widget on my blog. Same has happened to other newcomers. Well, here's hoping entrecard would continue to bring readers to our sites.